Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Dallas DNUG Speaking Tour This Week

I've trekked north from my home-base near Houston and I am in Dallas this week for a quick series of .NET User Group sessions. Three nights, three different groups, and three very different talks. Here's the schedule for the week:

  • Dallas XAML Users Group (Tuesday, May 3rd)
    "State of Silverlight + What's New in Silverlight 5"
  • North Dallas .NET Users Group (Wednesday, May 4th)
    "The Rich Standard: Getting Familiar with HTML5"
  • Dallas C# SIG (Thursday, May 5th)
    "Building a Testable Data Access Layer"
Obviously, the XAML talk is already in the history books, but you still have time to attend the fun HTML5 and useful testable DAL talks this week. All of the meetings occur at the local Improving Enterprises offices, and all seem to start around 6:00 PM. I've got some extra Telerik swag for each meeting, of course, so clear an evening and come join me and the rest of the Dallas .NET community for some fun this week.