As everyone knows, this past Saturday I made a quick trip from Texas to attend and speak at the 2009 South Florida Code Camp (#SoFlCC, for all you twits out there). It was another outstanding event and I'm very glad I made the trip! Registration numbers topped 800 and over 600 people turned-out for the day-long event, which for anyone not "in the know" is pretty incredible for a "code camp." I'm always amazed by the size and involvement of the Florida .NET community, and this year's Code Camp did nothing but further that amazement. My two sessions also went very well. Both were packed and both sessions generated a lot of good questions. A big thanks to all of you that came out to one (or both!) of my sessions. Hopefully you enjoyed the content despite my speaker "idiosyncrasies." Congrats to all of the t-shirt and Telerik license winners, too! As promised, I'm making the slides from both sessions available on this blog post (see links below). I'll be making the code available, too, but there are some problems with the server hosting my downloads, so the links aren't live yet. Check back soon for live downloads. Finally, I couldn't call this a real wrap-up post if I didn't mention Telerik's sponsor involvement. I had a great time manning the Telerik "micro booth" and talking to many of you between sessions. I always enjoy meeting Telerik "fans" and people that want to join the club. I learned about some very cool projects being built this year and I'm thrilled that Telerik has been selected as the trusted partner for .NET tools and components. The Telerik-sponsored after-party was fun, too. If you missed it, you missed a good time- don't miss it next year! Needless to say, SoFlCC remains a bright spot on my calendar and I look forward to heading back to Florida next year for SoFlCC 2010! ASP.NET MVC: Red Pill or Blue Pill? [Slides] [Code] ASP.NET ViewState Tips & Tricks [Slides] [Code]
Thursday, February 12, 2009
South Florida Code Camp 2009 Wrap-up (update)
Posted by
Todd Anglin
2/12/2009 01:54:00 PM
Labels: Code , Events , Slides , SoFlCC
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Todd, I was planning to be there and at least help out a bit at the boot, but something came up that occupied me most of the day and I had a two hour drive to make it. But I'm happy to hear it went well for Telerik (which I'm not surprise to hear it did).
Hope to see you in another event.
Can't wait to see the code. Great Presentation.
Please suggest the program to read your .SFLLB file. Thanks!
Also where to get Viewstate decoder program you demonstrated during your presentation.
Please post code, just cannot wait.
@Anon- Ask and you shall receive! The server upload has been fixed and I'm upload the bits right now. Links should be available in a few minutes.
@NAT- The .sflb files should open as their native file type when you click them (such as PPTX or ZIP). The .sflb extension is processed by Sitefinity and the correct download file is returned.
Viewstate Decoder is available here:
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