Friday, January 23, 2009

Sitefinity 3.6 Beta, WinForms SP2 released

I don't usually "bundle" news items in to a single post, but since it's Friday and I have a couple of releases to announce, I'll make an exception.

First, early this week Telerik released the second service pack for the Q3 2008 RadControls for WinForms. This SP addresses a number of issues across the entire suite, but you can find some highlights in WinForms Evangelist John Kellar's blog post. If you're using the RadGridView for WinForms, this release does a lot to improve the memory management and resource footprint of that control, so it's probably worth your time to download the latest bits. Full release notes, of course, are available online.
Second, today Telerik released the Sitefinity 3.6 Beta. Sitefinity 3.6 is the next "major" release of Silverlight and it's packing a lot of new and improved functionality. The Sitefinity Team and Sitefinity Evangelist Gabe Sumner have both blogged about the new features, so I encourage you to follow those blogs if you're a Sitefinity developer. For those not willing to follow the links, here are some of my favorite improvements in SF 3.6:
  • All built-in templates are now Embedded Resources (making it much simpler to customize SF control templates and -significantly- reducing the SF file count)
  • New, simplified custom module architecture (backwards compatible)
  • Latest versions of both RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX and Silverlight
  • Support for hierarchal categories (great when tagging related content)
  • "Unbreakable" dynamic links
Even though this release is only a "minor" version tick, it's got enough improvements to warrant major version status. Sitefinity continues to be one of the easiest "CMS" (or, from the developer perspective, "development platforms") for ASP.NET developers to learn and extend since it does not "break" (or modify) ASP.NET the way many other CMS systems do. If you haven't checked it out yet, grab a free copy of the community edition (which you can use for commercial projects) and have fun!