Monday, November 24, 2008

Sitefinity Watch launched by Gabe Sumner

As everyone knows, several months ago I sought-out some of the brightest minds and best communicators to join the Telerik Evangelism ranks. Among the guys that joined our team is Gabe Sumner, the Telerik Developer Evangelist focused on our Sitefinity CMS product. Today Gabe launched a brand new blog dedicated to keeping you up-to-speed on all Sitefinity related news called Sitefinity Watch (you can guess where the naming inspiration derived). On this new blog (which runs on Sitefinity, of course), Gabe will bring you all the news you need to know to be fully informed about Sitefinity and the .NET CMS environment in general. He'll update often and the content is must read for anyone working with .NET CMS tools, especially Sitefinity.

Update your RSS readers now to subscribe to his new blog and stay tuned for the new content to follow. Also, don't forget to follow the other Telerik Evangelist blogs:


Anonymous said...

Ahem ... aparently its running a trial version of Sitefinity ;)


Todd Anglin said...

@Pete- Good catch! Gabe literally built acquired the domain, hosting, and built the site in a day. He's just waiting on a license, now, but that should already be fixed. Now you should see a full fledged version of Sitefinity running.