Monday, January 28, 2008

Silverlight presentation in Second Life available on-demand

If you missed my Silverlight presentation in Second Life this Saturday, you really missed an experience that was out of this world! Okay, bad pun. But in all seriousness, the presentation was a lot of fun and we had a great turn out from the .NET denizens of Second Life. The crew from Microsoft and the Second Life .NET User Group have done a great job building and improving the tools for presenting in Second Life, and I must admit the experience was a lot more like presenting to a "real life" audience than to a normal web cast- complete with a hand raising system to ask questions!

For those of you that couldn't make it to the live show, the SLDNUG recorded the presentation "in world" and have posted the video to their website (using Telerik's Silverlight media player, no less). The presentation system is still evolving, though, and you may find the audio hard to hear on the linked video. The SLDNUG is actively working on publishing another version of the video with better audio timed to my slides, so check back for updates later this week or next. While you're at the SLDNUG site, you'll also find copies of my slides and links to download JPEG versions of my slides (if you don't have PowerPoint 2007 handy).

Enjoy the on-demand resources and watch for future Second Life presentations in the coming months. If you ever wondered if Second Life had any purpose, presentations like this are definitely it.