Friday, August 10, 2007

Adobe PDF previewer finally available

This post has little to do with Telerik (though I'm sure I could make some loose connection), so hopefully you'll forgive the exceedingly rare off-topic post. But since I thought one of the greatest shortcomings of Outlook 2007 when it shipped was the lack of a PDF previewer, I thought I'd share with this audience the widespread availability of the missing previewer. Released back in early June, Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.1 finally ships with a PDF preview handler that enables you to preview PDF files directly in Outlook. Why this wasn't available when Office shipped in November is anyone's guess, but at least there is now a solution.

If you're like me, you probably stopped using (or upgrading) Acrobat Reader long ago. There are many free programs on the Nets that make opening PDFs a much faster and painless experience. The inclusion of the previewer in 8.1, though, finally offers a enough reason to revisit the old bloatware and upgrade to the latest version. If you're using Outlook 2007 and you've missed this too, download the latest Adode Acrobat Reader and have fun previewing PDFs next week.