Friday, November 03, 2006

Q3 2006 SP2 released

Without much fanfare telerik released Q3 2006 SP2 on Wednesday (November 1st). You can download the service pack now from your account at the telerik website.

The most significant enhancement in SP2 is full support in the entire suite for the recently released ASP.NET AJAX Beta 1. The first beta of ASP.NET AJAX (formerly "Atlas") introduced a number of changes to the core AJAX libraries that broke r.a.d.control compatibility. Telerik has quickly responded to those changes, though, and delivered on their promise of "Atlas" support in SP2. Anybody who has been reluctant to install ASP.NET AJAX Beta 1 due to the compatibility problems with r.a.d.controls (like myself) can now commence with downloading the latest toys from Redmond.

This service pack also provides additional updates for ajax, calendar, combobox, editor, grid, treeview, and upload. Among the updates are optimizations for ajax and grid and a new ability in combobox to set its width as a percentage (previously unavailable). upload now includes default (or English) localization files and the default skin as part of the assembly (via WebResources), so you shouldn't need the RadControls folder for this control in the future if you use .NET 2. For a full list of changes in SP2, check out this link.

All in all, this is a pretty significant service pack that all r.a.d.control developers should download and test in their applications (especially if you're using/considering ASP.NET AJAX). And don't wait too long, Q4 2006 is just 7 short weeks away!